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Share My INDIA Stories, Told Through Pictures As a digital photographer and filmmaker, I wanted a place to display the photos that, to me, tell stories about my adventures and about the majesty of nature, and the spiritual and contemporary dreamscape of India. |
DIGERATI in DELHI!!! Who are the "digerati" and why are they "the cyber elite"? They are the doers, thinkers, artists and writers who have tremendous influence on the emerging communication revolution. These global citizens are not on the frontier, they are the frontier. The digerati evangelize, connect people, foresee and adapt quickly to current technology. They are as much at home in the virtuality of their "chip bodies" as in "real life". They like to talk with their peers because it forces them to go to the top of their form and express or explain their most interesting new ideas. They give each other permission to be great. That's who they want to talk to about the things they are excited about because they want to see if it plays. They ask each other the questions they are asking themselves, and that's part of what makes this cyber elite work. What happens when the Digerati hit Delhi and points beyond? We can expect a riot of color and a wild fusion of all that India presents with the vision of an American Master. With only a few days and many miles and directions to cover, we did our best. Gartel not only shot his footage but was likewise the subject of a documentary film of "The Making of...", shot by his photographer friend, xxx. |
Getting Places in INDIA India has a tremendous amount of diversity which verges on legendary within each region. 1. 1st SEGMENT TOUR NEW DELHI - AGRA - JAIPUR - CHANDIGAR - SHIMLA - AMRITSAR - DELHI CHENNAI - DELHI = 2095 KM DELHI - AGRA = 203 KM AGRA - JAIPUR = 232 KM JAIPUR - CHANDIGHAR = 496 KM CHANDIGHAR - SHIMLA = 119 KM SHIMA - AMRITSAR = 322 KM AMRITSAR - DELHI = 447 KM TOTAL = 3914 KM |
Photography Tips More GARTEL Sites |
Let There Be Light Gartel was a pioneer of Digital Fine Art before the medium was recognized. He is known as the Godfather of Digital Art. As this picture demonstrates, the artist has a conception of himself, a personal point of view that makes his works unique. Gartel's style reflects a strong root in high-impact urban motifs, such as collage and graffiti. GARTEL Museum |